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content strategy

Franchise Development Accelerator

Building your brand on
LinkedIn takes work.

For most franchise brands it is overwhelming to design your LinkedIn posts, find content ideas to post consistently, grow your audience, build a raving-fan community, and connect to future franchise candidates


We get it.


What if we told you that growing your LinkedIn presence doesn't have to be overwhelming and that there is an easier way.


What if you could post consistently, increase your engagement, and attract your ideal franchise candidates with a content strategy built specifically for growth?


Introducing the
LinkedIn Accelerator

A brand strategy bundle that is packed with compelling story telling, copywriting, and designs that every franchise brand needs to grow your footprint, attract qualified candidates and validate your positioning effectively on LinkedIn. This bundle includes:

Brand Strategy

Key positioning developed to showcase your differentiators, selling points, industry, revenue streams and people of the brand. 

60+ Editable Posts

Receive custom curated templates designed to attract and convert your audience into franchisees. Assets include: caption, image or video, hashtags, and appropriate day to post them.

3  Blogs

Enriched story telling in a long-form blog to post monthly, increasing SEO and relevancy with your target audience.

Editorial Content Guide

A paint-by-numbers content guide outlining what to post every day for your internal team to take and implement with ease. 

Take a peek
 of what's included.

Momentum Brands LinkedIn

Imagine how much better
 your franchise brand would be if:

  • You are able to stay ahead of the game with strategic designs for your business

  • Save money and time on creative and design work to focus on running the franchise brand.

  • Attract more premium franchise candidates with attractive, enriched LinkedIn posts.

  • You learn how to stand out amongst competing brands in the space.

  • You had guidance on how to position the CEO and/or Founder as an industry thought leader.

  • Built an audience that is highly engaged with your brand story, team and growth story. 

Get up and running in 4 weeks with a 90-day LinkedIn content strategy

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